by Ryland Walker Knight

— The Talmadge Memorial Bridge in Savannah
All this week we'll be running a series of year-end pieces by friends of the blog in a manner that, I trust, suits the blog and its character. That is, there weren't many rules. We just wanted to share our enthusiasms about a number of things that impressed us and helped each of us on our way to today, tomorrow, to 2012. Each post will be cross-published on Brian Darr's still-invaluable SF-centric cinephile blog, Hell On Frisco Bay not as a traffic generator but because he's my good buddy and we thought of this project together. It's also just fun to spread the wealth/love. So check back, subscribe, whatever. There will be daily updates to the feed and to this post in particular (as well as to Brian's blog). Until then, bite your nails and eat your hearts out.
Crimmus Eve Update: We're all done! Thanks for reading. Hope it was fun for you. It was fun to share. Merry Crimbo and a Happy New Year. Go see some movies!

— Mia is in South Africa, in Cape Town
- Adam Hartzell offers his top ten with commentary
- Julian Tran and Cuyler Ballenger share six crime movies they loved seeing last year
- Dave McDougall's selected 2011 discoveries, briefly noted and across various media
- Matthew Flanagan gives a quick rundown of stuff he loved from last year
- Eric Freeman walks us through some things he found interesting in some things he saw this year
- Akiva Gottlieb's got some love for Poetry
- Jenny Stewart offers notes on storytelling, and how Breaking Bad's so good at it
- Durga Chew-Bose loves ladies
- Ryland Walker Knight gabs on some stuff about impermanence
- Brian Darr gives us 5 lists of 5 films