Rob Zombie's Halloween
by Ryland Walker Knight

"Zombie’s often-frantic style is not a Tony Scott concrete-to-the-head bully-fest but the bludgeoning of Halloween, here, will not be ignored — not for a second. There is a confrontation with mortality but the outcome feels predetermined, destined. You will bear witness an unfolding without tension. You will know who will die, and why, rather shortly. In the second-half, complete with caesura cut to credits, what you don’t get is a logical “why” for Michael’s terror parade. That part of it is intriguing. But it’s at odds with the first half’s set up. Why do we need the why if we’re going to be told it meant nothing anyways?"
[For the rest of the review click here and you will be forwarded to The Daily Californian's website.]

02007: 109 minutes: written and directed by Rob Zombie: based on an original screenplay by John Carpenter and Debra Hill.
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